Find Ag Land Preservation Solutions The Coalition for Agriculture’s Future (CAF) has joined an intensive community-wide effort to find a workable solution to the problem of competing land use interests. The goal is to find and implement a forward looking land use decision making process applicable to the conversion of agricultural lands that is formulated from a consensus among all competing interests.
community-based process to create mutually acceptable zoning guidelines
applicable to Canyon County agriculture involves extensive stakeholder
meetings, negotiations and the development of a unified proposal by all
stakeholders that can be considered by the Planning & Zoning Board and
Canyon County Commissioners. This community effort is crucial to the
future wellbeing of the Canyon County agricultural
economy. From
its very beginning agriculture has been the economic foundation on which
Idaho has grown. There are more than 25,700 farms in Idaho that produce
more than 180 different commodities. Agriculture pumps approximately $8
Billion each year into the Idaho economy and generates tens of thousands of
jobs. In Canyon County alone 10 acres of agricultural land accounts for
$158,000 in base sales, $33,790 in base wages and creates 1 job. Ag-related industries such as food
production, transportation, equipment, seed production, dairy products, meat
production, and others all are byproducts of Idaho’s agricultural community
and rely on a strong agricultural environment for their existence.
there is a looming crisis in Idaho that presents a growing threat to its
agricultural livelihood. It is a loss of viable agricultural lands as a
direct result of the enormous growth in Idaho’s population over the past two
Take a look at the impact of 15
years of growth in the Ada/Canyon County area of the Treasure Valley.
Development has resulted in a growing range of rural/urban clashes due to
generally recognized farming practices such noise, aerial and ground
application of pesticides, irrigation and water rights, cross-pollination
issues, dust and noise associated with farming practices.
Serious concerns about the future of agriculture and existing agricultural
operations have been voiced by a wide range of different sectors of the
community including farmers, agri-businesses, city and county officials, and
Agricultural Producers. At the heart of the issue is the land use
decision making process that determines when agricultural lands should be
rezoned for non-agricultural uses. Growth and develop are both inevitable and crucial to Idaho’s future. The perplexing question is how to best balance the two mutually exclusive demands. Preservation of agricultural lands is extremely important for Idaho’s future; however, there is a critical need for residential and industrial growth as our population expands. It is clear that it is extremely important both demands find an acceptable method by which to co-exist. Contact Roger Batt, CAF Executive Director, at (208) 888-0988 or (208) 412-5760 or by email at roger@amgidaho.com if you would like to be involved with this community effort. Coalition For Agriculture’s Future ~ 55 SW 5th Ave, Suite 100, Meridian, ID 83642 (208) 888-0988 - Fax (208) 888-4586 ~ Email: Info@agsfuture.org
News and Information About Preserving Idaho's Agricultural Lands Harold Nevill Named 2019-2020 CAF President Harold Nevill of Nampa was named as the 2019-2020 president of the Coalition for Agriculture's Future. He was picked to head the Coalition at the group's annual meeting August 16 in Caldwell. Ron Baker was elected as the CAF’s Vice President for 2019-2020 while Brett Lolley was named Secretary. __